Via the Virginia State Corporation Commission:

Virginia’s Insurance Marketplace is proud to announce that more than 388,000 Virginians successfully enrolled in health care coverage during the Marketplace’s Open Enrollment Period, which ran from November 1, 2024, to January 22, 2025. 

Among the 388,856 Virginians who secured health insurance plans through Virginia’s Insurance Marketplace, 69,000 were new enrollees. This is a 21% increase in new enrollments from last year’s Open Enrollment Period, marking a significant milestone for the Marketplace.  

New enrollments may be up 21%, but overall enrollments are down 2.8% vs. last year, which is a bit of a head-scratcher since there doesn't seem to be any specific reason for enrollment to drop in VA this year (as opposed to NY, OR & NC which each had cannibalization of exchange enrollees by their Medicaid or Basic Health Plan programs this year).

On Christmas Day, as you may recall, a "Treemap" graph which had originally been published 2 weeks earlier in a Reuters article went viral on social media. It was then republished by Newsweek, again without any context provided.

The graph purported to break out "Obamacare applications by state for 2025" by states which voted for Donald Trump vs. those which voted for Kamala Harris in November 2024. Here's what it looked like:

As I noted at the time, this graph was technically accurate...while simultaneously being jaw-droppingly misleading, for several reasons, including:

This morning, the Twitter account NewsWire_US, which claims to be a "U.S. and world news aggregator," posted an amazing-looking graph which purports to break out "Obamacare applications by state for 2025" by states which voted for Donald Trump vs. those which voted for Kamala Harris last month.

Here's the graph, which includes no further context (including any data sources...NewsWire claims it came from Reuters but I can't find the original link to a story by them with this graph) beyond making it look like a whopping 82% of ACA enrollees live in Trump states:

Update: Here's the original Reuters article, which was actually published on Dec. 11th, which at least explains why it only includes data through Nov. 16th/9th, anyway.

Update: Newsweek has run with the ball on this story without actually looking at the data properly as well.

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has published two 2025 ACA Open Enrollment Period "snapshot reports," both of which had above-the-fold numbers which make it look as though enrollment numbers are lagging significantly behind last year's record-breaking totals:

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is committed to creating a robust Marketplace Open Enrollment process for consumers so they can effortlessly purchase high-quality, affordable health care coverage. CMS reports that nearly 988,000 consumers who do not currently have health care coverage through the individual market Marketplace have signed up for plan year 2025 coverage.

OMG! Last year over 1.6 milllion new enrollees had signed up as of the first snapshot report...over 66% more!

Earlier this afternoon, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) published the second 2025 Open Enrollment Period "National Snapshot" report...and as I noted two weeks ago, at first glance healthcare data junkies might panic at the seemingly low topline numbers:

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is committed to creating a robust Marketplace Open Enrollment process for consumers so they can effortlessly purchase high-quality, affordable health care coverage. CMS reports that nearly 988,000 consumers who do not currently have health care coverage through the individual market Marketplace have signed up for plan year 2025 coverage. 

OMG! Last year over 1.6 milllion new enrollees had signed up as of the first snapshot report...over 66% more!

Earlier this afternoon, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) published the first 2025 Open Enrollment Period "National Snapshot" report...and I admit my initial takeaway was PANIC OMG HAIR ON FIRE!!

Over 496,000 New Consumers Selected Affordable Health Coverage in ACA Marketplace

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is committed to creating a robust Marketplace Open Enrollment process for consumers so they can effortlessly purchase high-quality, affordable health care coverage. CMS reports that 496,000 consumers who do not currently have health care coverage through the individual-market Marketplace have signed up for plan year 2025 coverage.

OMG! Last year nearly 920,000 new enrollees had signed up as of the first snapshot report...over 85% more!

Via Pennie:

Pennie Has Issued a New Request for Proposal (RFP) for an Enrollment Assister Contract to Expand Support Across Pennsylvania Communities  

Pennie is seeking an organization to build grassroots awareness and provide direct enrollment assistance to Pennsylvanians seeking health coverage. Proposals due at 1 pm on June 27th.   

Harrisburg, PA – May 2024 – Pennie, PA’s official health insurance marketplace, has issued a Request for Proposal for Assister Services.  The awardee will collaboratively drive statewide activities to increase awareness of the financial help and health coverage available through Pennie, and work directly with community organizations to provide local, in-person enrollment assistance.  

The primary goals of this project are to:  

As I noted in my deep dive into "Gold or Better Enrollment" last week, there are three main reasons why nearly 63% of all ACA exchange enrollees nationally have healthcare policies with 80% or higher Actuarial Values this year:

  • The enhanced federal subsidies provided by the Inflation Reduction Act (set to expire at the end of 2025);
  • Some states (but not most yet, unfortunately) fully embracing robust Premium Alignment w/maximized Silver Loading policies; and
  • About half the states which operate their own full ACA exchange offering supplemental financial subsidies to either reduce premiums, reduce cost sharing or both.

The last bullet includes California, Colorado, Connecticut, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New Mexico, Vermont and Washington State. In addition, both Minnesota and New York have large numbers of enrollees in their respective Basic Health Plan programs (New York just expanded theirs), which may or may not be considered "state-based subsidies" depending on your perspective.

Via the Augusta Free Press:

Friday is the last day for Virginia residents to apply for health care coverage that starts on January 1, 2024.

Any healthcare coveragesecured after December 15 and before Open Enrollment ends on January 15 will begin on February 1, 2024.

The Virginia Insurance Marketplace reminds Virginians to apply now for 2024. 

After the Open Enrollment period ends January 15, Virginians experiencing a Qualifying Life Event such as having a baby or losing health insurance coverage may be eligible to enroll during a Special Enrollment Period. 

Virginia’s Insurance Marketplace replaced for all Virginians and launched on November 1, 2023. Marketplace provides a wealth of resources for residents to find affordable health care coverage. Hundreds of thousands of Virginians have accessed the Marketplace this Open Enrollment Period to find coverage that meets their needs.  

I included so much data wonkery in my last Open Enrollment Period data breakout that I decided to split one more item onto its own entry.

As I noted in the prior entry, QHP enrollment is running ahead of last year so far in 45 states so far, with it running more than 50% higher in over a dozen of them and more than twice as high in Mississippi.

Another way of looking at this is to compare the confirmed current QHP enrollment in every state as of the most recent data (12/02/23 for states; 11/25/23 for SBM states) against the final total QHP enrollment as of the end of the 2023 Open Enrollment Period.

This is obviously isn't a fair comparison since there's still a full 40 days left for people to enroll and because auto-renewals still have to be added to the federal exchange states. However, it's still interesting to take a look.

For the SBM states, I've included their auto-renewals as reported in either the CMS snapshot report or, in a few cases, even more recent combined enrollment data from the SBMs themselves.

