

I've once again relaunched my project from last fall to track Medicaid enrollment (both standard and expansion alike) on a monthly basis for every state dating back to the ACA being signed into law.

For the various enrollment data, I'm using data from's Medicaid Enrollment Data Collected Through MBES reports. Unfortunately, they've only published enrollment data through December 2020. In most states I've been able to get more recent enrollment data from state websites and other sources.

For Pennsylvania, I'm relying on raw data from the Pennsylvania Dept. of Human Services for January 2021 and later.

Pennsylvania didn't launch ACA expansion until 2015. Once it ramped up, total enrollment (both ACA & non-ACA) hovered around the 2.8 - 2.9 million range until COVID hit. Since then, non-ACA Medicaid has gone up by 9.8%; the expansion population has grown by 29.8%; and overall enrollment is up 15.2%.


Updated as of 6/01/21

Now that I've developed a standardized format/layout & methodology for tracking both state- and county-level COVID vaccination levels by partisan lean (which can also be easily applied to other variables like education level, median income, population density, ethnicity, etc), I've started moving beyond my home state of Michigan.

Here's Pennsylvania:

NOTE: The CDC lists ~382,000 Pennsylvania residents (7.3% of the total fully vaccinated) whose county of residence is unknown.

via Pennie:

Savings to the Rescue – Pennie is Now Open with Increased Savings

  • Pennie Customers Can Now See Savings When Shopping for Health Coverage
  • Uninsured Pennsylvanians will be able to receive significant savings in health coverage as a result of the American Rescue Plan

Harrisburg, PA – April 16 – As a result of the recent American Rescue Plan, also known as the COVID-19 relief package, provisions specific to the Affordable Care Act have impacted the way health insurance is available in Pennsylvania. These provisions include significant impacts, including an increase in savings, for Pennsylvanians seeking individual market coverage and those already enrolled through Pennie, as well as those who may lose their employment and rely on COBRA to maintain their employer coverage. Pennie is excited to announce that these savings are now available at for those looking to enroll in quality, affordable coverage.

A few weeks ago, Pennie (Pennsylvania's ACA exchange), like several other state-based exchanges, put out a simple statement celebrating the passage of the American Rescue Plan (ARP) and the dramatic improvement in ACA affordability that it brings for the next two years. Like most of the other exchanges, Pennie's initial press release was pretty bare-bones, as the bill had just been signed into law and there were a ton of logistical details to be worked out.

Today, at their monthly board meeting, Pennie provided some further info on how they plan to proceed:

Pennie’s American Rescue Plan Policy Goals

  • Implement ARP provisions as soon as possible, and as broadly as possible, to maximize savings for Pennie customers
  • Automate these provisions, to the extent possible, to ensure that the benefits under the new law reach Pennie customers without requiring customer action
  • Ensure that customers who need to take an action are given specific instructions on what they need to do to maximize their benefits
  • Use this unique opportunity to connect more Pennsylvanians to comprehensive coverage and reduce the number of uninsured throughout the Commonwealth

This is from a couple of weeks ago; I'm reposting it standalone for clarity. via Pennie: (via a text graphic for some reason):

Joint Statement from The Pennsylvania Insurance Dept. & Pennie regarding the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021:

"The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 will not only provide financial assistance through the forthcoming stimulus checks, but will also provide an estimated $270 million in additional subsidies to current Pennie customers in 2021 alone. Through this law, marketplace premiums will be capped at 8.5% of a household's income, meaning current Pennie customers will see lower monthly premiums and those without coverae or who were previously ineligible will now have access to financial help if they shop at

In some cases, lower-income enrollees will have their monthly premiums eliminated entirely. Additionally, anyone who was eligible for unemployment income in 2021 will be eligible for coverage thorugh Pennie with a $0 premium for the remainder of the year.

I just received the following COVID Enrollment Period update from Pennie, Pennsylvania's new state-based ACA exchange. This appears to be part of an official report which they're still working on.

The "Existing" numbers refer to current Pennie enrollees who are taking advantage of the COVID SEP to switch to a different plan mid-year; this is something which usually isn't allowed, even during traditional Special Enrollment Periods (SEPs), but Pennie, along with HealthCare.Gov and many of the other state-based exchanges, are allowing them to do so during this period.

There's an obvious reason for this, too: The impending passage of the American Rescue Plan will mean dramatically improved/expanded subsidies for ACA enrollees, including many who haven't been eligible for them until now. This means millions of Americans who enrolled in Bronze plans because they weren't eligible for subsidies will be able to upgrade to Silver or Gold; it also means many people will become eligible for $0-premium plans who currently aren't, and so on.

As I did when Access Health CT released their 2021 OEP report, there's so much data here I'm not gonna bother doing any analysis in this entry; I'll just post the most relevant slides for now.

Note: Pennie refers to it as their 2020 annual report, but the enrollment data refers to the 2021 Open Enrollment Period.

via Pennie, Pennsylvania's new state-based ACA exchange:

Pennie Opens a COVID-19 Enrollment Period Which Will Run Until May 15

  • Uninsured Pennsylvanians or those affected by COVID-19 can visit pennie.comand enroll in a plan through May 15.  

 Harrisburg, PA – February 17, 2021 – Uninsured Pennsylvanians can act now and enroll in 2021 coverage during Pennie’s COVID-19 Enrollment Period. Pennie, Pennsylvania’s state-based health insurance marketplace, is proud to provide individuals across the Commonwealth additional time to enroll in health insurance to protect them and their families from the cost of the COVID-19 virus. This enrollment period is in-line with President Biden’s recent Executive Order and is open for all Pennsylvanians who have been impacted by COVID-19. Anyone otherwise eligible to enroll in coverage through Pennie™ can do so from now until May 15.

The new Pennsylvania ACA exchange, Pennie, just issued their final official 2021 Open Enrollment report and (as expected) is also joining most other states in re-opening for a COVID-19 Enrollment Period:

Press Release – Pennie Exceeds Expectations & Extends Enrollment for COVID-19

  • As a state-based marketplace, Pennie increases new enrollment by 9.7% and raises total enrollment to nearly 338,000. Now, Pennie is offering more time to enroll in plans for those affected by COVID-19.
  • Pennsylvanians who have recently lost health coverage or have been affected by COVID-19 can visit and enroll in a plan from February 15 through May 15.

