Mississippi is one of the ten states where ACA Medicaid expansion still hasn't gone through a full decade after it could have.
A few years ago, Medicaid expansion in Mississippi looked like it might actually happen: While the states GOP Governor and Republican supermajority-controlled state legislature opposed it, in May 2021 there was a strong grassroots effort to put a statewide initiative on the ballot to push it through regardless, exactly how it happened in other deep red states like Utah, Nebraska, Idaho and South Dakota.
Back in September, Inside Health Policy reporter Dorothy Mills-Gregg checked in on "Georgia Pathways," the Peach State's new program which partially expands Medicaid to residents earning up to 100% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL), but with a rather significant string attached: Work reporting requirements:
...in spite of nearly every state which tried to (or succeeded in) implement Medicaid work requirements having their programs shut down by the courts, one state's work/reporting managed to survive: Georgia. As explained in the Kaiser article:
It was just 53 days ago that North Carolina became the 40th state (plus DC & the U.S. territories) to fully expand Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act. At the time, around 600,000 lower-income North Carolinians were estimated to be eligible for the public healthcare program.
So where do things stand now? Well, the NC government has posted a handy Medicaid enrollment dashboard which is tracking the data as once a month; the most recent update was on January 12th:
NC Medicaid Expansion Enrollment as of January 12th, 2024: 314,101
The dashboard has some nifty interactive tools letting. you filter enrollees out by plan, age bracket, gender, ethnicity, urban/rural status and county, along with enrollment trends.
For ten years now, I've had Google Alerts set up to send me links to stories about the Affordable Care Act using various commonly-used phrases like "health exchanges" and such. Normally these bring up the most recent articles about the law, but last night one of them included a surprising link to a Reuters article from...March 2013:
Washington could wind up running more health exchanges - official
March 14, 2013
...The Obama administration has given 17 of the 50 states conditional approval to set up online exchanges where working families would purchase private plans at subsidized rates. The remaining 33 states will all have federally run markets, at least in the early years of the coming reform era.
But Gary Cohen, who spearheads exchange implementation for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, said some of the approved states face hurdles that could require Washington to step in with federal exchanges before open enrollment starts on Oct. 1.
For the first time in a decade, high-ranking Georgia GOP legislators on Thursday convened a meeting to hear testimony on full Medicaid expansion to all the state’s poor people.
At the hearing Thursday, the idea was floated over whether to expand Medicaid in exchange for a political deal to roll back regulations that restrict who can open a new health care business. Those regulations are called Certificate of Need, or CON.
For ten years, Georgia has remained one of the states which, frustratingly, has refused to expand Medicaid to all adults earning up to 138% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL)...a bit over $20,000/year for a single adult; roughly $41,000/yr for a family of four.
If the state were to join most of the country, an estimated 434,000 Peach State residents would finally be able to enroll in comprehensive, nominal-cost healthcare coverage: Around 252,000 who earn less than 100% of FPL and another ~182,000 who earn between 100 - 138% FPL (the second batch
A ‘Nixon goes to China’ moment? Conservative Republican pushes for state Medicaid expansion.
'These are not handouts. We’re not throwing money down the drain. We are helping our working class Americans get ahead.'
A conservative Florida Republican doctor who has been an ally of Gov. Ron DeSantis and his handling of COVID-19 says it’s time for the state to expand Medicaid despite the long-running opposition of GOP legislators.
...[Rep. Joel] Rudman said the loss of Medicaid coverage for hundreds of thousands of Floridians this year illustrates the need for change. A spreadsheet compiled by House Democrats shows of the 524,076 Floridians who have lost coverage in the last four months, nearly 50% are under the age of 21.
Mississippi is one of the ten states where ACA Medicaid expansion still hasn't gone through a full decade after it could have.
A few years ago, Medicaid expansion in Mississippi looked like it might actually happen: While GOP Governor Tate Reeves and the Republican supermajority-controlled state legislature opposed it, in May 2021 there was a strong grassroots effort to put a statewide initiative on the ballot to push it through regardless, exactly how it happened in other deep red states like Utah, Nebraska, Idaho and South Dakota.
As for when the program would actually go into effect, however...that's been something of a mystery for awhile now. Apparently the wording of the legislation ties it in with it being included in the general state budget, which wouldn't be voted on or approved for months. As a result, no one seemed to be sure when the healthcare expansion program for up to ~600,000 North Carolina residents will actually launch.
Back in July, the Health & Human Services Dept. took an optimistic stance, preparing for the possibility of the program kicking off starting on October 1st of this year. Unfortunately, that was based on the assumption that the GOP-controlled state legislature would actually pass the general budget required for it to happen by September 1st...which didn't happen.