I was burned a couple of weeks in a row by overestimating the actual private policy (QHP) selections to date in Massachusetts by around 5% or so. Last week I downshifted a bit (from 50% of eligibility determinations to 45%), resulting in an estimate of around 90,700 QHPs as of Tuesday.

Today the MA exchange released their weekly dashboard, with official QHP selections, and sure enough, I'm back on target: 93,262 QHP selections as of Wednesday the 14th, in addition to 178,912 Medicaid (MassHealth) enrollees.

As for the payment rate, on the surface it appears to be just 72% (67,265 out of  93,262). However, remember that the 93K figure includes 19,000 people who are enrolling for coverage starting in February. We know this because of this update from December 30th:

Of the 74,203 people who selected plans by the Tuesday deadline, 51,888 paid their first month’s premium by Friday.

I've updated The Graph again, bringing things up to the end of the day today (Friday, January 16). After a 3-week "quiet period" (made even quieter due to both Christmas and New Year's), things should have heated up again this past week as yesterday's February coverage deadline approached.

The first week after the January deadline, HC.gov saw a mere 96K QHP selections due to Christmas Eve/Day, and the following week wasn't much better at 103K. As expected, they picked up somewhat last week with 163K QHPs.

Presented without comment, because this story is so awesome there's not much I could say to make it any better:

Community Health pulls plans after meeting ACA goals

Community Health Alliance has pulled its health insurance plans off the federal marketplace because it hit its enrollment goals.

Knoxville-based Community Health Alliance, a nonprofit consumer operated and oriented insurance provider, or co-op, hit its enrollment goals in the first two months of open enrollment. It stopped offering plans on the exchange Jan. 15.

I have no idea whether there's a healthcare-specific awards ceremony or anything, but this seems to be the closest thing to it, so I'll take it: Dan Diamond of The Advisory Board Company has posted his "Best of 2014" list when it comes to healthcare journalism (is it one word or two?), and I'm honored to be mentioned among field luminaries such as Sarah Kliff, Alex Wayne, Nicholas Bagley, Margot Sanger-Katz and many others.

In my case, it wasn't any specific story that I wrote which earned the nod, it was the overall site itself:

I've had a couple of days to shake off the funk I was in after CoveredCA director Peter Lee stated that they would not be releasing any 2014 renewal data until as late as February. I'm still pretty grumpy about that.

Still, today brings some cheerier news: The CoveredCA BoD had a meeting, including this slideshow which includes a bunch of data stuff. No, it doesn't have any renewal data...but take a look at page 4:


Through January 12: 228,766 New Individuals Selected a Qualified Health Plan for 2015

Big deal, right? It updates the new enrollment figure a bit, but that's about it. But wait a minute...what was the CA QHP total just 1 day earlier (through January 11th)?

217,146 NEW QHPs total

TODAY, January 15th, is the deadline for anyone who wants to enroll in a private insurance policy for coverage starting on February 1st in most states (or to switch to a different policy if you have one but want to make a change starting in February).

After that, of course, we'll have the big February 15th deadline (for March 1st coverage), which will also be a big deal because it'll be the last chance many (not all) uninsured people have to get coverage before the door slams closed until next fall.

Remember, the penalty in 2016 for not having health insurance in 2015 is considerably higher than it was for 2014: Instead of 1% of your taxable income (or $95/person in your household, whichever is higher), the fee this year is 2% of your income or $325 per person.

No official press release yet, but all of the numbers are here and are (thankfully) properly presented:

Following a flurry of activity leading up to a New Year’s Eve enrollment deadline for coverage on Jan. 1 — and also through the first 10 days of this month80 percent of first-year customers have signed up for a plan for this year, according to figures to be released on Thursday. Of those, 67 percent have followed through and paid their first monthly premium.

...Total enrollments for individuals now stands at 27,690, up from 25,288 just before the start of open enrollment in mid-November.

...“We were preparing for that with a very robust consumer outreach plan,” said spokeswoman Maria Tocco, adding, “I’m not sure we knew what to expect.”

...HealthSource RI reports that, as of Wednesday, 6,918 people who were not previously customers had been signed up for coverage. Wallack called that figure “great.”

...The new subscribers joined 20,772 returning individuals. Together, the two groups combined for an increase of 2,402 covered individuals, up slightly less than 1 percent from just before enrollment began.

The Access Health CT board of directors is holding a meeting this morning and promises to liveblog the latest developments, including updated enrollment numbers.

Connecticut hasn't updated their numbers since 12/15, when they announced 66K renewals and 19.4K new enrollees, so this should be somewhat interesting.

  • Remember that today (Jan. 15th) is the deadline for February 1st coverage


  • As of last Friday, "around" 90,000 customers (20% higher than last year)
  • 1,500 - 2,000/day...on track to hit/exceed (combined)
  • last year: 100 - 120K total (includes Medicaid)
  • midnight tonight: should have over 500K in system (includes Medicaid)
  • dental: 1K any day now


  • IRS form 1095 (tax credit form)
  • education/outreach/etc. programs already in gear
  • some people already asking questions, etc. re taxes


Earlier, I noted that now that the HHS Dept. has broken out the 6.75 million confirmed QHP selections by state, combined with the state-based exchange data that I also have, I'm finally able to get a real sense of how each individual state is doing so far. I noted that 18 states have already reached 100% of their respective 2015 QHP goal based on the official national HHS projection of 10.4 million QHP selections by February 15, and many others are close to that.

Of course, I shouldn't be too geeked about that, since the HHS projection was almost certainly lowballed somewhat to begin with. Therefore, I've also come up with my own projection of where I think things will stand by 2/15: Around 12.5 million QHPs total. None of the states/DC have reached my state-level targets yet, although 4 small states (Alaska, Delaware, DC and North Dakota) are over 90% of the way there.

Aside from the Mystery of the Missing Renewal Data® from California & New York, the biggest unknown between now and the end of 2015 Open Enrollment on February 15th is this: How big of a "final deadline surge" will there be?

My 12.5 million projection is based on the assumption that there's a mini-surge happening this week (the deadline for Feb. 1st coverage is tomorrow in most states), followed by another 3 week "quiet period" from around January 20th until around February 10th. During that 3 week period, I QHP enrollments should average roughly 40K per day (up from the 30K/day that should have been the average over the first "quiet period" we just came out of). That would bring the grand total to around 10.5 million around February 10th.

Now, the actual tally might be a bit higher or lower than that until that point, but I'm pretty confident it'll be in the neighborhood of 10.5M. The bigger question is what happens in the final 5 days of the Open Enrollment period, from 2/11 - 2/15 (which also happens to be Valentine's Day week, for whatever that's worth).

