The DC exchange doesn't post updates often, but when they do it's simple, to the point data...and as a bonus, they're one of the few exchanges to include SHOP data (probably because they're one of the few where SHOP enrollments are above 4 figures, thanks to the weird ACA rule requiring Congressional staffers to enroll using it).

From October 1, 2013 to January 11, 2015, over 74,100 people have enrolled in health insurance coverage through DC Health Link in private health plans and Medicaid:

In my latest exclusive, I take a look at the off-exchange policy enrollment situation...and just like last year, I think a whole lot of people are going to be shocked when they realize just how many people are signing up for ACA-compliant Qualified Health Plans directly through their carrier.

In addition to this writeup, I'll be revisiting the off-exchange issue soon; I've already contacted 49 state insurance commissioner's offices (Vermont & DC don't have off-exchange enrollments anymore) to see how many are tracking those numbers on a more than annual basis.

Of course, this might have proven to be an exercise in futility. Aside from Oregon (and Washington State, though I have to confirm that for this year), the following should give you an idea of how tall an order this is:

Don't get me wrong, overall it was an excellent State of the Union speech, and his ad-libbed "I know, 'cus I won both of 'em!" line was perfection.

Having said that...

The Vermont exchange just released their latest numbers:

New Vermont Health Connect Customers

9,454 individuals have checked out a 2015 health plan. This includes 3,791 individuals in Qualified Health Plans (private health insurance) and 5,663 individuals in Medicaid or Dr. Dynasaur plans.

After a new customer checks out a plan, they must make an initial premium payment and have their selection processed before they have an active health plan. Of the 9,454 individuals who checked out, 7,981 have completed the enrollment process and have an active health plan (i.e., effectuated enrollment).  Of those who completed the process, 2,506 are on a Qualified Health Plan and 5,475 are on Medicaid or Dr. Dynasaur.

Renewing 2014 Vermont Health Connect Plans

Unless a customer requested otherwise, all individuals who had an active health plan through the end of 2014 currently have health insurance coverage through Blue Cross Blue Shield of Vermont, MVP Health Care, Medicaid or Dr. Dynasaur. The insurance issuers have their information in their systems and ID cards remain active.

I was rather surprised to see another update from MNsure today, since they've generally been issuing weekly updates on Fridays this year, but they decided to issue a special press release to trumpet attaining the 100,000 enrollment mark:

MNsure tops 100,000 Total Enrollments 
Less than four weeks remain before February 15 open enrollment deadline

ST. PAUL, Minn.—Today, MNsure announced more than 100,000 Minnesotans have enrolled in comprehensive, affordable health insurance coverage since November 15, the start of the 2015 open enrollment period.

“We are encouraged by this news, as well as the fact that so many Minnesotans are obtaining the health insurance coverage they need through MNsure,” said CEO Scott Leitz. “As we enter the final weeks of this open enrollment period, we’re stepping on the gas to make sure all Minnesotans know about the benefits of MNsure.”

After an extended break for the MLK Jr. Day weekend, the MA Health Connector's daily dashboards are back in business.

Friday's weekly report gave the latest hard QHP total: 93,262 through 1/14. Over the following 5 days, there were an additional 7,321 QHP determinations made. Using the 45% rule of thumb, that means Massachusett's QHP total should be up another 3,300 or so, for a total of 96.5K through last night.

There's one very odd thing here, though...what the heck happened on Sunday the 18th? Yes, enrollments are normally much lower on weekends, but only 657 total including Medicaid enrollments? I've seen that sort of drop on Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's, but this was just a Sunday (and MLK Day wasn't until a day later, where the numbers are a bit low but not by that much).

Anyway, given that MA's enrollment deadline for February coverage is coming up in 3 days, they should be able to break the 100K milestone easily in the next few days.

Meanwhile, their Medicaid (MassHealth) enrollment tally is up to 188K, and should similarly break the 200K mark within the next few days as well.

Again, I know this is a few days old, but I've been playing a bit of catchup lately. You know how the King v. Burwell case (aka Halbig v. Burwell, effectively...same case, different U.S. Circuit, but King is the one going to SCOTUS) is entirely based on the claim that Congress intended for the IRS to only dole out tax credits to people who enrolled via state-based exchanges, not through the Federal exchange?

Yeah, about that...

The Congressional Budget Office wrote 68 reports about the Affordable Care Act during the session that Congress debated the law. Not one of them, a new analysis from Harvard University's Theda Skocpol, ever explored the possibility of limiting insurance subsidies to the state marketplaces after the law's full implementation.

Talking Point Memo reports:

The Associated Press reported Sunday that newly elected Republican. Gov. Asa Hutchinson is expected to address the program, which uses Medicaid dollars to pay for private coverage, in a speech this week. Arkansas's plan must be re-approved every year.

The program is contending with Hutchinson and a batch of newly elected Republican lawmakers who ran against it. The funding must be approved by three-fourths of the state legislature every year. As TPM previously reported, getting approval in 2014 required a significant amount of horse-trading and deal-making under Democratic Gov. Mike Beebe.

...Even if Hutchinson agrees to keep the so-called private option, he is expected to propose more conservative-minded changes. Senate President Jonathan Dismang told the AP that Medicaid expansion "is not going to exist in its current form."

How many people are we talking about here? Oh, just 218,000 or so.

I saw this story a couple of days ago, but didn't have a chance to post about it until tonight...

The number of Americans struggling to pay medical bills fell last year for the first time in nearly a decade -- the latest sign that Obamacare is making health care more affordable.

Sixty-four million people, or approximately 35 percent of the U.S. population, said they had trouble paying bills or were stuck paying off medical debt in the past year, according to a new survey by the Commonwealth Fund released on Thursday. That was down from 75 million people, or 41 percent of the population, in 2012. This marks the first time that figure has fallen since 2005, when Commonwealth started keeping track.

...and I didn't even notice the other half of the Commonwealth study until a separate story from the LA Times:

Sean Parnell has posted a fairly negative story on the Rhode Island exchange, HealthSource RI. This is fairly unusual, because Rhode Island's exchange is actually one of the better operated fairly smoothly both last year and this year, and they're the only state which willingly followed the "no autorenewal" advice which I was giving to all of the exchanges way back in June (a few other states didn't allow autorenewals either, but that wasn't their choice...the new software platform wasn't compatible with the old software).

The problem in Rhode Island is that no matter how smooth and drama-free the exchange's operations have been, the actual numbers just haven't been up to snuff:

