Colorado: 2025 Open Enrollment up 20% so far; deadline for Jan. 1st coverage is 12/15 (or 12/17 to complete process)

via Connect for Health Colorado:
Enrollments up 20% This Get Covered Day
After an eventful month and a half, I’m impressed with Connect for Health Colorado’s growth. We’re seeing about 20 percent more health insurance enrollments over this time last year, an increase made even more impressive considering the enrollment record we achieved last year. I’m thankful to see that enrollments are outpacing previous years, as we announced last week on Get Covered Day, Dec. 5th.
My greatest thanks goes to you, our valued stakeholders, who diligently work to increase access, affordability, and choice for health care coverage in Colorado. As we face a new year of discussions about it all, real Coloradans are still able to afford to cover themselves and their families thanks to your hard work.
Now’s the Time To Enroll for January Coverage
As you may know, Dec. 15th is the deadline for Coloradans to enroll in a health insurance plan that begins Jan. 1st, 2025. However, Colorado offers flexibility with what we call our “in-line deadlines,” a policy allowing customers who started their plan enrollment or made account changes by Dec. 15th to enroll up to two business days after the deadline.
If you know someone who started, but couldn’t complete their enrollment by Dec. 15, please let them know they have until Tuesday, Dec. 17 to enroll, but they must call our Customer Service Center at 855-752-6749 to do so. We’re here to make the process as easy as possible.
In The Community with our Stakeholders
During Open Enrollment, we work hard to make sure our local and state stakeholders know who we are and what we do at Connect for Health Colorado. Most recently, I attended several events to hear from our Colorado counties and cities about the issues most important to them, including the Colorado Counties Incorporated Winter Conference, the Metro Mayor’s Caucus Reception, and the Black Caucus Legislative Preview. It was a great opportunity to talk to county human services directors, county commissioners, and our legislators about how to best serve people in their communities and what health care priorities are expected this legislative session. And just before the holiday, I spent a day in Durango with a health insurance Broker to talk about their business and their Open Enrollment experience so far.
Finally, I enjoyed speaking with Deborah Walker on her Rocky Mountain PBS show “Gospel Train.” We discussed Open Enrollment and the importance of enrolling in health insurance before the upcoming Dec. 15th deadline.
It’s always a pleasure to put faces to names when I’m out and about in the state, and I’m excited to see what we all accomplish for Coloradans this season.
Kevin Patterson, MURP, MPA
Chief Executive Officer
Connect for Health Colorado