Idaho: Your Health Idaho reminds people to #GetCovered w/service information

Your Health Idaho doesn't post presse release very often, but when they do it's usually helpful info:
Open Enrollment for Idaho is coming to a close, don’t miss out on enrolling in an affordable health insurance plan! You can set up an account, shop for plans, and apply for coverage online. Visit Apply and Enroll for more information. No computer? No problem. To apply over the phone or to request a paper application, call Your Health Idaho at 1-855-944-3246.
We’re Here to Help!
Your Health Idaho will have extended hours throughout December*:
- December 1 – 6: 7am – 7pm
- December 9 – 13: 7am – 8pm
- December 14 (Saturday): 10am – 4pm
- December 16 – 20: 7am – 8pm
- December 21 (Saturday): 10am – 4pm
This is the perfect opportunity for those Idahoans who were unable to reach us during the busy work week.
*All times are in Mountain Time Zone.What is an Open Enrollment Period?
At Your Health Idaho, the Open Enrollment Period for health insurance coverage is the amount of time every year when you’re allowed to select, shop, or stop a health insurance plan for the following calendar year. Outside of Open Enrollment, you may be eligible for a Special Enrollment Period (SEP) under certain circumstances. A SEP allows individuals and families to enroll in a new insurance plan or change plans if already enrolled. Visit Special Enrollment to learn more.
You can enroll in Medicaid or the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) any time, if determined eligible by Idaho Department of Health and Welfare. There is no limited enrollment period for these programs.
When is Open Enrollment for Idaho?
Open Enrollment for 2020 health insurance coverage is November 1- December 16, 2019. During this time all eligible Idahoans can apply for and enroll in coverage. Consumers who currently have coverage through Your Health Idaho can change plans and/or renew their coverage during Open Enrollment. At Your Health Idaho, you have options. You can shop and compare plans side-by- side on the Your Health Idaho website. View current plans and prices.
Remember, Idaho is extending the deadline for Open exactly one day, presumably since 12/15 falls on a Sunday.
Looking for Help?
A statewide network of YHI-certified agents, brokers, and enrollment counselors are ready to help – for free! To find help in your area, visit our Find Help page.