Yesterday I posted a rather scathing entry about Mr. Luis Lang of South Carolina, followed by another one about the hundreds of almost entirely liberal / progressive-leaning donors (including myself) who have, as of this writing, ponied up over $12,000 to save him from going blind due to a combination of his own irresponsibility and his political party's decision to throw nearly 180,000 SC residents--including himself--under the bus.
Today, Mr. Lang has responded to all the hubbub...mostly (emphasis mine):
First of all I would like to thank ALL of the wonderful people that have donated to help me in my time of need. And I do mean everybody. When I started this I never meant it to became a political war. I am a honest person and I have to give a big thumbs up to the liberal side. Even though you have crucified me in your comments but you spoke with your heart with the donations. I respect everybody opinion whether I agree with you or not. That is why we live in the U.S.A. home of the free and free speech. As far as the conservative side I wish they would step up to the plate and do there part. Again thank you all and i will be posting updates with my condition.
sorry one last thing I have to hand it to the liberal side you sure do know how to get the word out when you dislike something. I say shame on the conservative bloggers for resting on there laurels.
As one of those who coughed up a few bucks to bail him out of his self-created mess, here's what I have to say to Mr. Lang:
Yeah, that's right, I'll say it: Luis Lang is a hypocrite.
Over at Talking Points Memo, Josh Marshall has a story about a guy in South Carolina named Luis Lang who's in a nasty situation due to a combination of bad timing, Republican cold-heartedness and, to be blunt, his own stupidity.
First, the backstory:
As the Charlotte Observer explains, Lang is a self-employed handyman who works as a contractor with banks and the federal government to maintain foreclosed properties. He was making a decent living, enough to be the sole breadwinner in the family. As the Observer puts it, Lang "he has never bought insurance. Instead, he says, he prided himself on paying his own medical bills."