Washington State gives the official 3/31 total (except for Medicaid, which is still missing a few days):

Enrollments Completed

Qualified Health Plans: 146,497

Medicaid Newly Eligible Adults (through March 27): 268,367

Medicaid Previously Eligible but not Enrolled (through March 27): 135,485

Medicaid Redeterminations (Previously Covered - through March 27): 408,086

Total: 958,435

*Note: These numbers reflect enrollments and applications through March 31.

Connecticut reports their 3/31 totals...just shy of their 200K upgraded goal, but still very impressive:

A total of 197,878 residents secured a policy through the system, including 76,597 with a private carrier and 121,281 in Medicaid. Since open enrollment began last October, Access Health CT logged 801,509 unique website visitors. 

New York joins the 3/31 Final club ("9am" appears to include enrollments through midnight the night before, which makes sense...takes awhile to fully process/etc...) 

Just out from @NYStateofHealth: As of 9 a.m. today, Total enrollments: 865,487 Medicaid: 453,386 Private: 412,101 cc @charles_gaba

— Charles Ornstein (@charlesornstein) April 1, 2014

So far, I've entered the final 3/31 Exchange QHP data for Colorado, the District of Columbia, Minnesota and Rhode Island. I also have inexact final numbers for Kentucky.

I still need to update the final numbers for California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Maryland, Massachusetts, Nevada, New York, Oregon, Vermont and Washington State.

I'm sure all of these will come in later today or so. In the meantime, I'm taking a few minutes to actually breathe :)

Wow, a personal response from the KynectKY Facebook Page:

Kynectky Charles Gaba Total QHP Enrollments = 73,080; Total MCO Enrollments = 286,222.

I don't think this is the final 3/31 total, however, since this adds up to 359,302, which was posted as of around 4pm yesterday.

However, they've also just announced another 12K "processed through 8:30am today", so I'm not sure whether those are counted as part of the 3/31 total or not. I'm going to assume that they were entered last night and just took a few hours to actually process fully...therefore they count towards the 3/31 tally (unless they clarify otherwise), using a 20/80 ratio of 2,400 QHPs to 9,600 Medicaid:

No final numbers or Medicaid, but it's something for the moment:

According to preliminary numbers, approximately 140,000 people had purchased insurance plans through the state by the end of the weekend, said Michael Marchand spokesman for the Washington Healthplanfinder exchange. That’s a bump of about 9,000 people over four days.

The third state-based exchange (well...technically not a state) to release their 3/31 total is the District of Columbia. Fortunately, they specifically separate out the SHOP numbers:

The DC Health Benefit Exchange Authority today released new data showing strong enrollment activity through DCHealthLink.com as of March 31st.  Since the marketplace opened for business on October 1, DC Health Link has enrolled 40,234 people. This includes District residents who enrolled in private health plans and in Medicaid, as well as people with coverage through their employers.  In the final week alone, more than 2,000 people enrolled through the individual and family marketplace -- accounting for over 21% of all individual enrollments in private coverage. 


As of March 31, 2014, 40,234 people have enrolled through DC Health Link in private health plans or Medicaid:

 9,838 people enrolled in private health plans through the DC Health Link individual and family marketplace;
 17,489 people were determined eligible for Medicaid coverage through DC Health Link; and
 12,907 people enrolled through the DC Health Link small business marketplace.

The headlines are all buzzing with the announcement of the official grand total of exchange-based QHPs as of midnight yesterday: 7,041,000:

How many people have signed up for private coverage under Obamacare? 7,041,000, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney announced Tuesday afternoon.

But wait, what's this?

That number is likely to rise: It does not include the Monday sign-ups in the 14 states operating their own marketplaces. In addition, the enrollment deadline was relaxed for people having trouble completing the process, so some people could still sign up in the next two weeks.

Yup, just as I suspected this morning:

IF I'm interpreting Mr. Park's words correctly, he's saying that the grand total of exchange QHPs was brought over the 7 million mark even without including the state exchange enrollments for the day.

So, how many more did the 15 state exchanges (well, 14 + DC) bring in?

Here comes state exchange number 2...Minnesota!

ST. PAUL, Minn.—MNsure successfully enrolled 169,251 Minnesotans into comprehensive, affordable health insurance plans as of midnight on March 31, bringing the 2014 open enrollment period to a close, MNsure announced today.

“More than 169,000 Minnesotans have enrolled for health coverage through MNsure, blowing past our projection of 135,000 in October,” said MNsure’s interim CEO, Scott Leitz. “I am extremely proud of the MNsure staff who worked tirelessly, often sacrificing time with family over the last year to get Minnesotans enrolled in coverage. Our mission every day has been to make health insurance coverage possible for those Minnesotans who are uninsured and underinsured, including those who have been denied coverage up to now due to pre-existing conditions. Though the rollout of MNsure has not been perfect, we have worked hard to make critical improvements—which we will continue to do through the spring and summer, leading up to our next open enrollment period in November.”

To date, MNsure has enrolled 47,046 Minnesotans in a Qualified Health Plan, 34,219 in MinnesotaCare and 87,986 in Medical Assistance.

