Twelve Years of #ACA Open Enrollment in One Image

There's still likely up to perhaps ~30,000 or so Qualified Health Plan (QHP) enrollments to be added to the 2025 Open Enrollment Period (OEP) tally from the states which haven't reported their final, data (in fact, CA, DC, NJ, NY & RI haven't ended theirs yet), but I decided to throw this together today for the hell of it.
The table below charts the the first twelve years of ACA Open Enrollment Periods, broken out by state. I've also included Basic Health Plan (BHP) enrollment in Minnesota, New York and (new last summer) Oregon, the only states where BHP programs have been implemented to date.
No further analysis or comment here; I just think this is a pretty cool graphic which demonstrates visually how the ACA has grown over time to become firmly embedded into the U.S. healthcare landscape. Source: CMS Marketplace Open Enrollment Period Public Use Files for 2014 - 2024; Semi-final OEP Snapshot Report for 2025 (along with some nominal updates from a few of the state-based exchanges):