Updated: Connecticut: Access Health CT enrolls 129.9K during Open Enrollment; up 20% y/y!

Access Health CT hasn't posted a formal press release about this yet, but their Board of Directors did have a meeting today with a slideshow including most of the key 2024 Open Enrollment Period data points:
- OE Enrollment/Eligibility Activity:
- The Call Center has handled ~260K calls and ~24K chat sessions
- 129,000 enrolled into a Qualified Health Plan (QHP)
- 27,393 enrolled into the Covered Connecticut Program (CCT)
- 14,050 enrolled into a Stand-Alone Dental Plan (SADP)
- 88.3% of enrollees eligible for financial help
- 49,969 determined eligible and completed application for Medicaid
- Demographics:
- Average age of enrollees is 43 years old for medical
- 54.9% of enrollees are female
- Average number of covered enrollees per household is 1.4
- 75.7% of enrollees reside in one of the following counties: Fairfield, Hartford, New Haven
- Plan Selections and Premiums:
- Overall, 48.8% of enrollees associated with a broker
- 53% of 2024 enrollees selected a Silver plan (23% of these are new to QHP)
- Median monthly gross premium $833 / Median monthly net premium $78
- 86% Retention with 91% of those remaining in the same Metal-level plan for 2024
I'm assuming the 129,000 figure is rounded off, although they give exact numbers for the Covered Connecticut, Medicaid and stand-alone Dental Plan figures, so it's possible that it's exactly 129K QHPs.
If so, that puts Connecticut's 2024 OEP enrollment up 19.3% over last years' 108,132 total.
UPDATE: Hmmm...acccording to Access Health CT's updated public summary page, the official QHP enrollment tally as of today (Jan. 19th) is 129,895, around 900 higher.
On the one hand, it's possible that this includes post-1/15 enrollees from the next few days. On the other hand, the Medicaid processing figure is exactly the same as in the slideshow above (49,969), so I'm inclined to conclude that 128,895 is indeed the correct official/final OEP total for Connecticut...putting the state up 20.1% ahead of last year.