Idaho: *Final* avg. unsubsidized 2024 #ACA rate changes: -0.2%

Last month I posted the preliminary avg. 2024 rate changes being requested for the individual and small group markets.
Now the final/approved rate changes are available via the Idaho Dept. of Insurance:
Each year, the Idaho Department of Insurance posts rate changes of individual and small group health insurance products so consumers can review and provide comments on the proposed increases. Insurance companies submit proposed rates for the upcoming calendar year to the Department, along with descriptions and justifications for why the rates are reasonable and not excessive.
The Department of Insurance is seeking public input for rate changes of individual and small group health insurance products to improve insurer accountability and transparency. By following the links below, the public can access a summary of the increase amounts and the carrier justifications for the rates. Please submit any comments to the Department for consideration.
Final Rates - 2024
Please choose one of the categories to proceed:
It's important to note that Idaho's rate filing summary tables don't actually quite match up with the actual rate filings themselves. For instance, the state DOI not only rounds off all rate changes to the nearest percent (instead of tenths or hundredths of a percent as the filings state), in some cases they're actually off by nearly a full point.
For instance, in the individual market, they have Blue Cross down as having a 0% rate change when they actually asked for an 0.9% increase, and so on. Not massive differences, but still worth mentioning. Overall, the weighted average is a slight drop (-0.2%), though ID DOI claims it's =1%, while they put the small group market down at a 7% increase vs. my calculated 6.8%.
The only significant change from the preliminary rate changes is for PacificSource, which wanted to reduce their premiums by 5% but were approved for a whopping 12.7% drop. They only have around 1,200 enrollees, however, so this didn't move the needle much.