Minnesota: @MNsure enrolls 119.5K; residents can still #GetCovered thru Jan. 15th!

via MNsure, Minnesota's ACA exchange:
ST. PAUL, Minn. — Today, MNsure reports that over 119,500 Minnesotans signed up for 2023 health insurance through MNsure, where Minnesotans choose medical and dental coverage, between November 1 and December 15, 2022.
Now in its tenth open enrollment period, Minnesota’s health insurance marketplace continues to see strong enrollment and to provide tax credits that reduce the cost of monthly premiums for nearly 60% of enrollees who sign up for private health plans.
“In the first six weeks of MNsure’s open enrollment period, over 119,500 Minnesotans signed up for comprehensive health coverage,” said MNsure CEO Nate Clark. “Thanks to tax credits that are available only through MNsure, these families will save an average $560 per month.”
Minnesotans who missed the December 15 deadline still have an opportunity to enroll in coverage for 2023 — but they must act now. Consumers must sign up by January 15, 2023, for coverage that begins February 1, 2023.
Free application and enrollment help is available from MNsure-certified brokers and navigators across the state. Minnesotans can search the Assister Directory to find free help near them. They can also contact MNsure representatives directly through the MNsure Contact Center at 651-539-2099 (855-366-7873 outside the Twin Cities). Hours of operatiionare available online.
“If you’ve been relying on health insurance through an employed family member or going without coverage because their job-based insurance hasn’t been affordable for the rest of the family, it’s worth checking MNsure.org/newoptions or working with an assister to see if you are getting the best plan, at the best price,” added Mr. Clark. “Signing up for health coverage is one of the most important actions you can take to ensure your family’s health and well-being in the new year.”
All plans sold through MNsure are guaranteed to cover essential health benefits that help Minnesotans stay healthy, including prescription drugs, mental health services, and preventive care like flu shots and cancer screenings. The January 15, 2023 deadline does not apply to Minnesotans with coverage through Medical Assistance or MinnesotaCare or members of federally recognized tribes, who can enroll through MNsure any time of year, including outside of the annual open enrollment period.