Massachusetts: 2023 #ACA Open Enrollment is happening NOW via @HealthConnector

Again, a wee bit late on this press release, but...
November 1, 2022 – Starting today, people who need health insurance can get coverage that delivers high-quality, comprehensive benefits – including new $0 co-pays for some chronic illnesses – while also getting help paying for their coverage through the Massachusetts Health Connector.
Open Enrollment runs through Jan. 23, 2023, with a deadline of Dec. 23 for people who want to start the New Year with coverage. The Health Connector is the only place where Massachusetts residents can access help paying for coverage, and all Health Connector plans meet state and federal standards, delivering the peace of mind that comes with having usable, affordable health insurance. Adult residents in Massachusetts are required to have health insurance coverage. People can find coverage at
“Massachusetts leads the nation in health care coverage, with more than 97 percent of about 7 million people covered, and we want every single person to have access to affordable health care that delivers strong benefits,” said Louis Gutierrez, the Executive Director of the Massachusetts Health Connector. “With more help than ever, including thousands of dollars in financial support for premiums a year, going into 2023 with health insurance is the right choice for everyone.”
New in 2023 are $0 co-pays for ConnectorCare members for a number of important medications for chronic conditions, like diabetes, asthma, coronary artery disease and hypertension. This change improves access to care and lowers costs for Black, Hispanic, Native American and other communities disproportionally impacted by these health conditions. Also new for 2023 are coverage and cost-sharing improvements for ConnectorCare members receiving outpatient mental health and substance use disorder services during primary care office visits.
Also in 2023, Health Connector members can take advantage of a recent change made on the federal level that make health care more affordable. For the first time, some people who are in employer-sponsored family plan coverage may find their spouse and children can find more affordable coverage through the Health Connector.
Also, federal Advance Premium Tax Credits that lower health insurance costs that were enhanced in 2021 via the American Rescue Plan are now extended through 2025, delivering significantly increased financial help paying for premiums. This means a Boston resident can save upwards of $3,600 a year on premiums through the tax credits, which are used to lower monthly premiums. An Edgartown resident on Martha’s Vineyard can save nearly $8,500 a year, someone in Fitchburg can save $4,400 a year, and someone in Pittsfield can save $5,500 a year.
Residents can get an estimate for health plan costs in 2 minutes or less by visiting the Health Connector’s online Get an Estimate tool.
For people who need one-on-one assistance getting into coverage, there are a number of ways to get support. There are 19 Navigator organizations in more than 30 locations that have trained, experienced people available to help complete an application and pick a plan. Local Navigators can be found on the Health Connector’s website. People with questions or need assistance can try the Health Connector’s new online chat service, or call customer service at 888-MA-ENROLL if they need additional help.