Connecticut: @AccessHealthCT officially announces re-opened SEP w/expanded #ACA subsidies

Access Health CT has officially announced a new Special Enrollment Period for Connecticut residents to take advantage of the newly-expanded ACA subsidies under the American Rescue Plan:
Access Health CT Announces A Special Enrollment Period Allowing New and Existing Customers To Receive Significantly Greater Financial Help At Virtually Every Income Level
Under the American Rescue Plan, new and existing customers who buy health insurance through the Marketplace will become eligible to receive increased financial help to reduce their monthly payments
- The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARP) will make health insurance coverage more affordable for many CT residents, by virtually eliminating or vastly reducing monthly payments (premiums) for people with low and moderate incomes, and providing new financial help for people with somewhat higher incomes who can face high premiums.
- Access Health CT will open a Special Enrollment Period (SEP) from May 1 – August 15, 2021.
- The average savings per household will be $116.05 per month, or $1,392.57 per year.
- Households with annual income over 400% of the Federal Poverty Level ($51,040 for one person), will be newly eligible for financial help and will see an average monthly savings of over $500 or $6,200 a year.
- Over half of current households in a qualified health plan will now pay under $16/month for their health insurance.
HARTFORD, Conn. (April 28, 2021) —Access Health CT (AHCT) announced today the opening of a Special Enrollment Period from May 1 until August 15, 2021, where new and existing customers enrolling through the Marketplace will be able to take advantage of newly available financial help to lower their monthly payments (premiums).
The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARP) signed into law on March 11 by President Biden, will make health insurance coverage more affordable and accessible for many Connecticut residents during the current health crisis, by virtually eliminating or vastly reducing monthly payments (premiums) for many people with low and moderate incomes who enroll through Access Health CT; and providing new financial help for people with somewhat higher incomes who can face high premiums.
How much will people save? It will depend on a household’s annual income.
- The average savings per household will be $116.05 per month, or $1,392.57 per year.
- People with annual income over 400% of the Federal Poverty Level ($51,040 for one person), will be newly eligible financial help through Access Health CT and will see an average monthly savings of over $500 or $6,200 a year.
- People with annual incomes up to 150% of the Federal Poverty Level ($19,140 for one person) can now buy silver plans for nearly $0 monthly premium with a $0 deductible (the amount you pay for covered health care services before your insurance plan starts to pay) and lower copay and coinsurance amounts.
- Individual taxpayers who receive Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefits at any time in 2021, will be automatically considered to have an annual income at 133% of the Federal Poverty Level ($12,880) and will be eligible for a nearly $0 premium benchmark silver plan with no deductibles for medical or prescription drug coverage, and very low copay and coinsurance amounts.
- Over half of current households in a qualified health plan will now pay under $16/month for their health insurance.
“The American Rescue Plan will help many people since financial help will be significantly greater for people at virtually every income level,” said Chief Executive Officer at Access Health CT, James Michel. “Many of those who buy their health insurance through Access Health CT will become eligible to receive increased financial help known as premium tax credits to reduce their portion of monthly premiums or may be eligible to receive financial help for the first time.”
Existing AHCT customers will be allowed to keep the same plan with enhanced financial help or change plans during this Special Enrollment Period. However, if a person changes plan, and they have already paid out-of-pocket costs (e.g. plan deductible or maximum out-of-pocket amounts), they may not be able to count any of those payments made from their current plan to the new plan and should speak to their insurance company. Customers will also need to check provider networks and prescription drug formularies for different plans.
In addition, customers will be allowed to select a new plan from any plan offered through Access Health CT if they prefer. These individuals should know that if they change to a plan with a different insurance company, they will not be able to count those prior out-of-pocket payments toward a new plan, and plan networks and prescription drug formularies can differ from plan to plan. Any questions should be referred directly to their insurance company.
IMPORTANT: Please be aware that changing a plan during this time (May 1- August 15, 2021) will require customers to call the Access Health CT call center to make the change and their insurance company with any plan specific questions. Please expect higher than usual wait times.
Finally, it’s important to remind residents that this newly available financial help is offered only through Access Health CT. This is the reason why many who buy plans “off-exchange” or are uninsured/underinsured should come and shop, compare and enroll.
For more information on the AHCT Special Enrollment Period and the American Rescue Plan, visit
Access Health CT will continue to offer free help:
- Online: (Live chat: click “Live Chat” icon)
- Phone: 1-855-805-4325, Mon. – Fri., 8 AM – 5 PM (Saturday May 1, 2021 9 AM – 3 PM)
- With Enrollment Specialists in the community
- In-person help at either of AHCT’s Navigator partner locations*:
- Project Access New Haven located at 63 York Street in New Haven, Conn.
- Community Renewal Team located at 330 Market Street in Hartford, Conn.