Texas (yes, Texas!): Nearly 178K enroll in Houston alone...thru 4/05

Hat Tip To: 

I can't really use this number in the spreadsheet since it's less than the total for the state, but this is extremely telling news (besides, how often am I gonna get to post a Texas-specific entry?):

HOUSTON (AP) — More than 177,000 Houston residents have signed up for health insurance through the federal marketplace, far exceeding expectations for the city.

According to an email obtained by The Associated Press, as of April 5 177,825 Houston residents enrolled for insurance under President Barack Obama's signature law. The email was written by Marjorie McColl Petty, the regional director for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services in Dallas.

The expectation had been that 138,000 Houston residents would sign up. Petty told Houston officials the numbers reflect a successful 13-county regional effort.

For the record, as of March 1st, exchange QHP enrollment for the entire state of Texas was only 295,000, but without knowing what proportion of this was in Houston specifically, it's hard to draw too many conclusions about the growth since then. However, the fact remains that the largest city in Rick Perry's Texas managed to beat expectations by 29%.
