CMS distributes $99M in #ACA navigator/assister funding

via the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services:
Since 2013, Navigators have helped Americans understand their health insurance options and facilitated their enrollment in health insurance coverage through the Federally-facilitated Marketplace (FFM). As trusted community partners, their mission focuses on assisting the uninsured and other underserved communities. Navigators serve an important role in connecting communities to health coverage, including communities that historically have experienced lower access to health coverage and greater disparities in health outcomes. Entities and individuals cannot serve as Navigators without receiving federal cooperative agreement funding, authorized in the Affordable Care Act, to perform Navigator duties.
Below are the 571 organizations receiving 2023-2024 CMS Navigator cooperative agreement awards for the FFM(s) they have received cooperative agreements to serve. The State of Georgia has received conditional approval from CMS to transition from an FFM to a State Based Marketplace on the Federal Platform (SBM-FP) for PY 2024. As such, CMS will not fund Navigator organizations operating in the state of Georgia for PY 2024. More information on the organizations that the state of Georgia will be funding to operate as Navigators for PY 2024 can be found here.
The table under each awardee organization listed below provides information on which counties or parishes they will be serving, along with the underserved and diverse population(s) they plan to target, as they outlined in their approved non-competing continuation application (NCCA). Navigators are required to assist any consumer seeking assistance, even if that consumer is not a member of a community or group that the awardee indicated in its 2023 NCCA that it would target. The tables also include information on subawardee or subrecipient organizations that are under contract with the awardee to provide Navigator duties, if applicable.
The 2021-2024 Navigator cooperative agreement awards were awarded for a 36-month period of performance, which runs through August 26, 2024. The cooperative agreement award amounts listed below under each awardee represent funding for the third and final 12-month budget period (August 27, 2023 - August 26, 2024). The one awardee marked with an asterisk (*) has been funded to work in three FFM states and is listed separately under each of its funded FFM states. All 29 FFM states for PY 2024 have at least one Navigator awardee organization.
I'm not going to repost the entire table as it's quite lengthy and includes a lot of details for each grantee, but you can view all the details here.