Colorado: 42K QHPs thru 11/30; #GetCovered by Dec. 15th for coverage starting Jan. 1st!

Connect for Health Colorado reported 24,000 QHP selections as of 11/15. Now they're out with another update:
Connect for Health Colorado® Urges Residents to Shop by December 15 for January Coverage
Nearly 42,000 Coloradans signed up for a health insurance plan through Connect for Health Colorado’s Marketplace between Nov. 1 and Nov. 30. Approximately 70 percent of applicants qualify for financial help in the first month of the Open Enrollment period. Residents must sign up for a plan by Dec. 15, 2019 to have coverage in place by Jan. 1, 2020, however, Open Enrollment runs through Jan. 15, 2020.
Coloradans can sign up for a Marketplace plan online, over the phone or in person with a certified enrollment expert. Connect for Health Colorado has 23 enrollment centers to provide residents with walk-in help at different times throughout the week. Residents can also schedule an appointment.
“We partner with hundreds of local brokers and assisters so that residents in every corner of the state can find the best plan for their budget and health needs,” said Chief Executive Officer Kevin Patterson. “I urge residents to visit a nearby enrollment center or schedule an appointment with one of our experts before Dec. 15.”
Connect for Health Colorado enrollment teams organized events across the state ahead of the Dec. 15 deadline. Residents can find in-person assistance at more than 15 events from Glenwood Springs to Pueblo. To find help near you, visit here.
Last year, C4HCO had 47,000 QHP selections as of 12/01, so they're running about 7.7% behind on a per-day average basis. They ended the 2019 Open Enrollment Period with 170,000 QHPs, however, so that doesn't tell us much without knowing how many are new enrollees vs. active renewals; the bulk of the current enrollees will be auto-renewed around 12/15.