Maine: CoverME enrolls 59K thru 12/10; #GetCovered today!

via, Maine's new state-based ACA exchange:
Plan Selection Snapshot
The Maine Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Office of the Health Insurance Marketplace (OHIM) will release biweekly updates on plan selections through, Maine’s Health Insurance Marketplace.
Plan selections provide a snapshot of activity by new and returning consumers who have selected a plan for 2023. “Plan selections” become “enrollments” once consumers have paid their first monthly premium to begin insurance. These numbers are subject to change as consumers may modify or cancel plans after their initial selection.
The deadline to select a plan for coverage beginning January 1, 2023 is December 15, 2022. Consumers who select a plan after that date will have coverage beginning February 1, 2023. Activity Through December 10th, 2022
- 59,032 Mainers have selected plans for affordable health coverage in 2023
- This includes 3,834 new consumers and 56,098 returning consumers.
64,505 users have visited
17,153 calls and chats have been received by The Consumer Assistance Center.
19,252 people have used the Plan Compare tool, which allows users to get information about eligibility for financial assistance and evaluate plan options prior to starting an application.