Minnesota: One Week Left to Sign Up for a Full Year of Health Coverage in 2023

via MNsure, Minnesota's ACA exchange:
ST. PAUL, Minn.—Minnesotans have just one week left to sign up for health insurance through MNsure before the December 15, 2022, deadline for coverage starting January 1, 2023.
MNsure, Minnesota’s health insurance marketplace, is where Minnesotans can select medical and dental coverage and access premium tax credits (discounts) to lower the cost of monthly premiums. Tax credits aren’t available anywhere else, and next year households receiving tax credits are expected to save an average of $560/month.
“Many Minnesota families who have never been eligible for discounts through MNsure now qualify for tax credits in 2023 because of recent changes to federal rules,” said MNsure CEO Nate Clark. “If your family has been relying on health insurance you get through an employed family member, now is the time to check MNsure.org/newoptions and see whether you can access lower-cost health insurance for next year.”
Minnesotans must enroll through MNsure by December 15, 2022, to get the peace of mind that comes with coverage starting at the very beginning of the year. Maintaining coverage helps protect families from unexpected, high medical costs, and all plans sold through MNsure are guaranteed to cover essential health benefits such as prescription drugs, emergency services, and important screenings like mammograms and colonoscopies.
With MNsure, Minnesotans don’t need to know in advance what type of health insurance they’re looking for. Consumers can fill out just one application and learn whether they qualify for no- or low-cost coverage through a public program or are eligible for other types of financial help, like premium tax credits for private health plans. MNsure also offers free application and enrollment help from a broker or navigator to make the process easier and less time-consuming. Enrollment help is available at no cost to the consumer.
MNsure Contact Center offers extended hours
Leading up to the December 15 deadline, the MNsure Contact Center (651-539-2099 or 855-366-7873 outside the Twin Cities) will have extended business hours to serve Minnesotans:
- Tuesday, December 13: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
- Wednesday, December 14: 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
- Thursday, December 15: 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Opportunities to enroll after December 15
Minnesotans who miss the December 15 deadline have until January 15, 2023—the very last day of open enrollment—to enroll in coverage starting on February 1, 2023. The December 15 deadline does not apply to Minnesotans with coverage through MinnesotaCare or Medical Assistance or members of federally recognized tribes, who can enroll through MNsure any time of year, including outside of the annual open enrollment period.