New Mexico: @NMHIX enrolls 33.4K in first 5 days of Open Enrollment

via BeWell NM, New Mexico's ACA exchange:
2023 Open Enrollment Report
This report provides a summary of information for week one of the beWellnm health insurance individual Marketplace Open Enrollment Period for plan year 2023 (OEP 2023). The report contains data from the beWellnm eligibility and enrollment platform for OEP 2023, and includes an overview of the following:
- plan selections
- new enrollees
- enrollees renewing coverage
- Customer Engagement Center call volumes
- website traffic
This section contains enrollment data through November 5, 2022.
1. Total Plan Selections (net): Count of unique individuals who have selected a Plan Year (PY) 2023 Marketplace medical plan. Count includes all new and re-enrolling consumers (defined in Indicators 2 and 3), regardless of whether the consumer has paid the first month premium. Count does not include plans that were canceled or terminated.: 33,367
2. New Consumers (net): Count of unique individuals who have selected a Plan Year (PY) 2023 Marketplace medical plan, where the consumer did not have (PY) 2022 Marketplace medical coverage on or after 11/01/22. Count does not include plans that were canceled or terminated.: 309
3. Total Re-enrollees: Count of unique individuals who have selected a (PY) 2023 Marketplace medical plan, where the consumer had non-canceled (PY) 2022 Marketplace medical coverage on or after 11/01/22. Count includes consumers who either returned to the Marketplace and actively selected a (PY) 2023 Marketplace medical coverage or were automatically enrolled into a (PY) 2023 Marketplace medical coverage. Count does not include plans that were canceled or terminated.: 33,058
4. Active Re-enrollees (net): Count of unique individuals who returned to the Marketplace to actively select a (PY) 2023 Marketplace medical plan, where the consumer had non-canceled (PY) 2022 Marketplace medical coverage on or after 11/01/22. Count does not include plans that were canceled or terminated.: 1,910
5. Automatic Re-enrollees (net): Count of unique individuals who were automatically re-enrolled into a (PY) 2023 Marketplace medical plan, where the consumer had non-canceled (PY) 2022 Marketplace medical coverage on or after 11/01/22. Count does not include plans that were canceled or terminated.: 31,148