Connecticut: @AccessHealthCT enrolls 17.9K in first 17 days of Open Enrollment

Via Access Health CT's News/Press Releases page:
Stats as of November 18, 2022
Qualified Health Plans (QHP):
- QHP Enrollment In 2023 Coverage: 17,879
- 2022 OE Acquisition Summary: 3,928
- Completed applications/redeterminations processed through the integrated eligibility system: 6,425
I've never been entirely sure what the "Acquisition Summary" figure refers to, but I've confirmed that it's already included in the larger number.
One minor note: For the past few years, Access Health CT has "front-loaded" their OEP enrollment reports...that is, they auto-renewed all existing enrollees up front, including them in their weekly enrollment numbers, and then reduced the total as current enrollees terminated their renewals. I'm not sure why they're going back to not including them.
Doesn't matte either way; the final enrollment total will be the same either way. Just interesting to a handful of data geeks like myself.