Programming Note: Join me on Zoom this Sunday for an #ACA 101 / Open Enrollment Webinar

With the first official 2022 ACA Open Enrollment Period deadline approaching on December 15th, I've decided to something special this Sunday, December 12th: I'll be holding a Zoom "ACA 101" webinar at 6:00pm Eastern to go over the basics of the ACA along with answering questions about the ongoing Open Enrollment Period.
I'll spend around half an hour or so going over the history and basics of the ACA (including some of its major benefits as well as some of its shortcomings), plus the important improvements brought to the Affordable Care Act for 2022 thanks to the American Rescue Plan.
The rest of the time will be for Q&A and general discussion of how to take full advantage of getting the best possible value.
I should note that while fellow ACA/healthcare wonks are certainly welcome to attend (and would be helpful to have available for any questions I'm not able to handle), I’m mostly targeting this towards those who need healthcare coverage for themselves/their families or who have friends or colleagues who do. In other words, this will be very much an “ACA 101” kind of event.