New Jersey: Commissioner Caride Statement on SCOTUS Decision; 40K have enrolled via @GetCoveredNJ's SEP so far

TRENTON – New Jersey Department of Banking and Insurance Commissioner Marlene Caride issued the following statement on the U.S. Supreme Court decision today upholding the Affordable Care Act by a 7-2 vote:
“Today’s Supreme Court decision is a victory for millions of Americans and New Jerseyans who have access to quality, affordable health insurance as a result of the Affordable Care Act.
“Under Governor Murphy’s leadership, New Jersey has led the way in increasing access to health insurance based on the guiding principle that health care is a fundamental right. New Jersey launched its own state-based health insurance exchange, Get Covered New Jersey, and provided state-level subsidies to increase access and affordability of health coverage and care for our residents, and enrollment increased by nearly 10 percent during our first Open Enrollment Period. Nearly 40,000 residents have signed up for health insurance during the Special Enrollment Period opened by the state on February 1 in response to COVID-19.
“Because of the work of the Biden Administration and the Democratic-led Congress, the American Rescue Plan has provided even more resources to put health insurance in reach for more Americans during the global pandemic. With the new federal help and additional state savings provided, 90 percent of New Jersey residents enrolling on the state’s ACA exchange now have access to financial help and to historically low monthly premiums. And because of the Governor’s action to keep the enrollment window open in response to COVID-19, residents who need coverage can still enroll in quality, affordable health insurance through a Special Enrollment Period at Get Covered New Jersey.
“This decision benefits those who have gained health coverage under the Affordable Care Act, and also those who need health insurance and can obtain it – and access to life-saving care – through the nation’s health insurance exchanges and, in New Jersey, right now at”
The statement itself is fine, but for me the more significant point is that this is the first time I've seen a SEP enrollment update out of New Jersey.
40,000 since 2/01 is around 294/day, which sounds pretty good given their population size, but I don't have any pre-COVID era SEP data for NJ to compare against.
On the other hand, 40,000 is also a whopping 33% higher than my spitball estimate from Tuesday, where I had pegged it at perhaps 29,600. However, that was from 2/15 - 5/31, not 2/01 - 6/16 which is what the 40K figure above seems to refer to; if you assume exactly 294/day that would be 31,164 from 2/15 - 5/31, which is only slightly higher than my estimate.